Sunday was a spectacular day to visit Monterey. The weather was perfect and it surprisingly wasn't that crowded. We started off with a yummy meal at Bubba Gump where I successfully answered all of the Forrest Gump trivia, yet didn't win anything (it happens). Next we spent most of the afternoon looking at all of the exhibits in Monterey Aquarium. I love seeing sharks, but my photography skills aren't that good as most my pictures turned out blurry. It was interesting to see all the jelly fish, sea otters, sting rays, weird looking fish, and other marine animals. Afterwards, we drove along the scenic 17 mile drive through mansions and Pebble Beach. I don't know if I was impressed more by the golf course or the 4 story mansion/castle (these homes were HUUUGEE). To top off the day, we ate at my favorite south bay restaurant: Palace BBQ. Nothing beats the feeling of eating long ribs until you can't stand up.
Penguins in California?
You can't see my ball because I got a hole-in-one on the 17th hole @ Pebble Beach
Days Left for Wharton Decision: 3
Days Left of work: 11
Penguins in California?
You can't see my ball because I got a hole-in-one on the 17th hole @ Pebble Beach
Days Left for Wharton Decision: 3
Days Left of work: 11
At 10:08 PM, Le Voyageur said…
Mmm, Palace was SO good, but could never go during lunchtime on a workday because we always left smelling like Korean BBQ. You know its a good and bad sign when your glasses have grease stains from the grilling. ;)
At 11:41 PM, Suser said…
i've been dying to go there! nice photos
At 7:00 AM, Ash said…
i always wonder how many times that tree has been photographed...i have atleast 30 pics of that different times of the day...using different film roles!
At 7:22 AM, AynRand2008 said…
I love Monterey! The last time I was there, it was fantastic! I liked a store at the end of the "Monterey row" or whatever that shopping district is called. It has nice vintage posters and artwork.
Good luck in finding amzaing apartment! You are almost reaching the end of the to-do list.
At 7:23 AM, MBABlogger said…
Good luck for the W decision.. may u get to join the golf club there :)
At 1:20 PM, i_will_make_it said…
Wow. Sweet! I want to go to Monteray and Santa Cruz now!! eek!!
Good luck with W!
At 2:57 PM, KV said…
I miss Monterey :-(
At 1:30 AM, fromcali said…
hmm...maybe I should add that to my "things to do before i leave California" list.
At 12:14 AM, Anonymous said…
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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