Imaginary Engineer - Yale SOM '08

Industrial Engineer dreaming of an MBA

Sunday, December 18, 2005

MIT Sloan Non-Teaser

Just when I completely gave up on MIT (see earlier post) I got the interview email! I can't believe ADCOM's working on Sunday morning, but I guess there's still slots availabe for the west coast hub interviews. My choices are: Jan 16-17 (Santa Monica, Palo Alto), Jan 18-19 (San Francisco), Jan 19-20 (Seattle). The good/bad part of this late interview is that it is right before final round 1 decisons come out (Jan 30) so the interview will probably be fresh in ADCOM's mind when they make the final decisions. I read somewhere that 30% of the candidates get interviewed and 60% of those candidates get admitted. Looks like it's slightly better than a coin flip but there are still 40% that get the rejection email.

Hooah, at least I made the first cut!


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