Imaginary Engineer - Yale SOM '08

Industrial Engineer dreaming of an MBA

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Yale SF Reception

Tonight was the Yale SOM San Francisco reception for admitted students. About 15 students and 1 ADCOM member showed up, and I am truly impressed by my future classmates. Everyone had interesting backgrounds, and I don't think I met a single boring person. The good news is Cal will be well represented next year because by my count, there will be at least 6 other fellow alum. In fact, I recognized another Cal math major.. what are the odds?

The topics ranged from the new dean/curriculum to welcome weekend plans. Evidently, Yale SOM's new dean is changing the curriculum in favor of a more multi-disciplinary approach. The most visible impact will be a smaller class size (180 total planned students divided into 3 classes of 60). I asked the ADCOM member if this was just a one time exception, but it seems 180 will be the new target class size in the near-term (at least until the new buildings are complete). The smaller class size will naturally lead to a more competitive student body (especially as application volume rises), but I wonder how many future CEO's Yale would unfortunately lose because of this decision. For me, I'm just thrilled I got accepted in Round 1.

If this cross-section of 15 students represents the class of 2008, I can't wait to go to school in August. I'm already practicing my "GO BULLDOGS" chant and am looking forward to painting my face blue for the Harvard-Yale football game.


  • At 2:02 AM, Blogger Alex said…

    I read about the new curriculum from a Yale blogger, sounds very interesting!

  • At 11:10 AM, Blogger i_will_make_it said…

    Sounds great! Represent the bay - cuz I got dinged! :-P

    Awesome on traffic school. I hate those tests. Argh. "Yes. I know, I know. Rule #1) Don't drink and drive... yeah, right." lol. >_<

  • At 12:02 AM, Anonymous reception hall said…

    I have nothing but amazing things to say about this venue! I feel awful that is has taken me this long to write about it but better late than never I hope.


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